900 Wedgewood Circle | Galion, Ohio 44833

Torches Not Candles

Left to Right: Pam Bond, Bob Speelman, Amy Nickerson

January 8, 2020

NOTE: This was taken from the blog of Foundations Health Solutions leader Bob Speelman. Each week Bob works at one of our Foundations Health facilities in different roles. Whether working in housekeeping or as a nursing assistant, he sees firsthand how we embody the vision of our founder and nursing home developer, Brian Colleran, to be "A Culture of Care."

I love our care team members! They are the reason for our success as a company. They live out our Culture of Care every day. I am reminded of this every day as I work alongside our incredible people. Yesterday was no exception. I worked alongside two Amazing STNA's: Amy Nickelson and Pam Bond at Mill Creek, our 62-bed facility in Galion.

Amy has been an STNA for 23 years. Amy's sister works in housekeeping and her mom works in laundry. The three of them are amazing and caring individuals that are making a difference every day. As Amy and I went in and out of resident rooms providing care, Amy greeted her residents with a smile and a hug. It was evident throughout the day she loved what she does.

Pam Bond is a Restorative/Shower Aide and was one of the very first STNA we hired when we opened the facility 11 years ago. Pam is passionate about restorative therapy. As she worked with a resident, I struck up a conversation with a gentleman that Pam helped in the past. He loved the restorative therapy she provided. I asked him, "Did it make that much difference?" He said, "Oh, yes! My leg was contracted and hurt so bad at night that I couldn't sleep. Then she started working with me and my leg. I was able to straighten it out and I sleep so well now."

I saw Janeen Flynn while I was at Mill Creek. Janeen was the first STNA I worked with at Mill Creek. She was all smiles and as we talked, she told me that after she returned from our very first STNA Summit this past summer, she brought some of the ideas back. One of the ideas that they implemented was involving a few STNA's in the STNA interview process. Janeen and Pam were two that are involved. Anytime they have an STNA apply for employment, Janeen and Pam are involved in the interview. I spoke to the scheduler and she said it really has helped identify individuals that would not be a good fit for our Culture.

Left to Right: Pam Bond, Bob Speelman, Amy Nickelson, Janeen Flynn

I left Mill Creek incredibly proud of our team and thankful for their passion to make a difference.

"This is the true joy in life – the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of nature, instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community, and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die. For the harder I work the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It's a sort of splendid torch which I've got to hold up for the moment, and I want to make it burn brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.

George Bernard Shaw

Amy, Pam, and Janeen – Keep holding your torches high! Keep letting your light shine!! You are making an incredible difference in so many lives.

Bob Speelman, STNA

Each week, Bob Speelman visits a Foundations Health Solutions nursing home. He works alongside a variety of departments to ensure Foundations Health is excelling in the vision of founder Brian Colleran's "Culture of Care." Foundations Health continues to practice the principles nursing home developer Brian Colleran instilled, such as resident and family satisfaction, positive employee culture, and investment in the community.

Bob's Blog

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